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What Plants Can Be Used in a Terrarium?

Today we are going to talk about the Facilities that can use inside a terrarium home:

El terrarium It is a space adapted to a specific climate that we can have in our house, having a decor and some components It depends on our personal criteria. The terrariophilia It is the art of knowing how to search the harmony and aesthetics of the elements that are part of the terrarium And, here we like to talk to you about everything that can be part of your terrarium, as well as the best ways to preserve it.

What temperature and care plants need bromeliads, Orchids, begonias, climbing plants or carnivorous?


The first question you are probably asking yourself is: Is it possible to have any type of plant in our terrarium? In general, you should know that it is possible. More or less, any plant that does well in a moist and warm environment we can plant it without problems but, having said that, we will always have to adapt the terrarium to what the plant wants and not the other way around.

What things should we take into account? adapt to the plant?

  • Provide in the terrarium a temperature and amount of light adapted to the natural habitat of the plant chosen. For this, it may be convenient to get a Lighting system artificial.
  • that, in the case of having animals inside the terrarium, these have more or less a habitat similar to that of the selected plant. If we have a reptile and we choose a plant that needs damp and dark, we may not be able to grow it healthily.
  • That the terrarium has other positive characteristics for our future plant: A size appropriate to its growth rate, a rain system in case it is a wet plant and a cleaning and ventilation that prevents fungi from forming and the plant can suffer.
  • You have to get a quality substrate, like the ones we offer in our online store Premium Buces and that it has the characteristics that the future plant needs.

As we say, there is a huge variety of plants that can be grown in a home terrarium and will achieve grow and flourish with the conditions that we give there.

However, there are certain plant species which are especially suitable to be cultivated and grow well, with health and beauty, in our terrarium. And for this reason, from PremiumBuces, we are going to talk about what are these species and also what are they the most beautiful and recommended types for the terrarium.

As you know, we have in our online store all these species that we are going to talk about, so it will not be difficult for you to find them at the moment you think What is that you like for your future terrarium.


We talked extensively about these plants in another article about bromeliads, most used plants in terrariums around the world, whether they are terrariums for plants only or those for live with amphibians.

The reason why bromeliads are one of the plants most used by terrarium professionals is because the conditions they need to grow and flourish are exactly what a terrarium has: a warm temperature a moisture quite high and a lot light.

All the bromeliads They also have the good point that They are plants that adapt well to any circumstance., except to the lowest temperatures, something they can't stand and that they will never suffer in a terrarium. Therefore, in the event that we are going to combine bromeliads with other species of plants or with animals they will be able to adapt one degree more or one degree less to what the other neighbors of the terrarium want, and in the same way with humidity, with light and with the type of substrate. It is your great advantage.

As you already know thanks to our previous post “which are the bromeliad needs and why is it a perfect plant for the terrarium”, we are going to talk about which bromeliads are the most recommended.


Neoregelia Amandae Terrarium Plant

If we have to talk about the best bromeliad for our terrarium, based on our own experience with it and also based on what our clients usually ask us for, this is without a doubt the Neoregelia Amandae.

This small bromeliad has a very characteristic shape, with very shiny leaves and enough thick ass and flowers that can grow in lovely colorsand pink, violet or azul. The look that it gives to any terrarium, even in combination with other different plants, is very characteristic and one of the more like the experts in terrariofilia.

There is also the circumstance that the Neoregelia Amandae is a easy plant to care for that grows in any substrate and that simply requires enough light to bloom with its intense colors. By this we mean that the most suitable for her is be cultivated in the upper part of the terrarium for enough light to reach it. It is also important to know that direct sunlight can burn its leaves, so it is better to have it with a artificial light system as this that of constant but more indirect light.

The temperature required for this type of bromeliad to grow well and quickly is between 20 and 28 degrees centigrade and, also, one goes well fairly high humidity, around the 70 or 90%.


Neoregelia Super Fireball Schultsiana Terrarium Plant

if we had to talk of a type of bromeliad suitable for a person who is setting up his first terrarium, this would be the Neoregelia Super Fireball Schultsiana.

This little bromeliad has a characteristic very intense burgundy red color, which aesthetically combines very well with the green color of other bromeliads, even other types of plants. The reason why is a good option to acquire one of these bromeliads for our first terrarium is that spreads and grows very quickly.

The only thing to keep in mind so that everything goes well in the growth of our Neoregelia Super Fireball is to have one warm temperature, about 25 degrees centigrade, and with a humidity similar to that of the Amandaethat is to say between 70% and 90%. It is convenient fertilize the plant once a month approximately to give it the strength necessary to continue growing.


Vriesea Saundersii Mini Terrarium Plant

The last species of bromeliad most often purchased in our store is Vriesea Saundersii Mini, which has a characteristic shape with thick but very elongated leaves.

It differs from the two previous bromeliads in that the Vriesea has a much slower growth, although very constant. With this we do not mean that it is a difficult plant, because it is very simple to give him what he needs to grow healthy and without rest. Of course, it will take longer than other plant species and that should not make you doubt if you are doing it right.

La Vriesea Saundersii Mini has a particular gray and bluish tone which fits perfectly in our terrarium design. Furthermore, in the center of this floor, where the rosette, they tend to grow flowers of violet and bluish tones that are incredible and also very resistant.

In the same way as the other two species of bromeliads that we have talked about, the Vriesea Saundersii Mini Needs a temperature of about 22 to 28 degrees and high humidity. Regarding the light, they really like to have one that is constant but indirect therefore, an artificial lighting system would be a good idea.


Another optimal plants to have in terrariums and, also, to grow outdoors, they are the orchids. The reason why people like to grow orchids so much is very clear: they are amazing plants, having a symmetrical beauty through brightly colored flowers and different.

The other great reason to have one of these plants in our house is that there are more than 25000 species of orchids in the world and therefore the combinations are endlessIn this part, we will focus on the mini orchids, which will help us create very original and flowery terrariums.

As we have already told you before, the problem with orchids is that they are delicate plants, not so easy to carry and to grow healthily like bromeliads:

They are plants whose flowering has a huge role and these flowers will not be able to go forward without strong enough light. Other problem they may have and that is, in fact, the main reason that scares people who consider growing orchids is the issue of irrigation. They are not plants that need abundant water (as it is logical to think, since many of them are from tropical natural habitats), but a balance between abundant irrigation and moments of supervised drought.

In short, orchids must be dedicate time and care but they are of the most beautiful plants that you can choose in your terrarium and that is why they are among the recommendations that we make to you when it comes to knowing what plants can be used in a terrarium.

And that Orchids we recommend among those we have available in the Premium Buces online store? So let's make you one list of our favorites which, in addition, coincide with the ones that most often ask us:


Restrepia Trichoglossa orchid for terrarium

Among the latests Moravia's compositions favorite orchids in terrariums is this small plant call Trichoglossa restrepia. Among the reasons why it is one of the most purchased to have at home, are the following:

  • It is a plant that blooms several times a year and not just one during the spring. This means that, if we take good care of it, will always have beautiful flowers with which to decorate our terrarium.
  • Es easy to maintain, does not have great demands beyond a temperature between 20 and 26 degrees and a powerful light with a good light screen.
  • It is a plant, because of its size and shape, ideal for small terrariums. This is convenient for many people who do not have the space or ability to have a large terrarium.
  • Unlike many other plants, its leaves do not burn because they are close to the artificial light that we put on it. This is a huge advantage to not have headaches about where to place them so that they have enough light without burning.

Stelis Argentata orchid for terrarium

Another of the great favorites in the selection of plants for our terrarium is the small orchid Stelis Argentata. It is a beautiful plant very small size and with round and symmetrical flowers of a color that goes from pink to purple.

At PremiumBuces we really like to recommend this orchid for terrariums of beginners. like the Trichoglossa restrepia, blooms several times a year and this gives a lot of motivation when we form our first terrarium.

The only care that must be taken with this orchid is to make sure that, when watering it, do not get standing water on your flowers because they could rot. Otherwise, the humidity and ventilation that suits other plants that they live with her in a terrarium, as well as possible pets, will come in handy for her because she can adapt.


Pleurothallis Grobyi orchid for terrarium

Finally, our last recommendation as far as orchids are concerned for your future terrarium, is the small Pleurothallis Grobyi. Like the other two orchid recommendations that we have made, it is a small size species, which from our point of view is perfect for a terrarium at home.

A larger orchid will need a large space, because what cannot happen is that the orchid does not have enough space, which would cause ended up getting musty. So, to begin with, a small orchid that can also coexist with other plants in a diverse terrarium, it is the ideal.

In the same way as any of the orchids that we send to all of Spain and Europe, the Pleurothallis Grobyi usually arrive about to bloom quite easily so you can see the process from the beginning. Needs a balanced irrigation, which can help some of our rain systems so that you can have water on a regular basis without depending on your direct involvement.


After having talked about the flowering plants most suitable to be the protagonists of a terrarium or vivarium, we are going to talk about the ferns. These types of plants provide a wildest touch of green and that makes them perfect, not to be protagonists, but to fill the larger areas of the terrariummaking it really look like a natural landscape inside our own house.

Planting ferns, in general, is a chore easy. They adapt well to coexistence with other types of plants and they are especially good companions for orchids and bromeliads which we talked about earlier.

In addition, the microclimate that we can reproduce in our terrarium is good for them: they need constant humidity for which we will almost always have to have a rain system keep the ferns moist. They also need a warm temperature and that there is not a excess movement in the air so that this humidity has the expected effect and they grow. As other plants do need ventilation from time to time, the ideal is place the ferns in other deeper areas of the terrarium so that the ventilation affects the flowering plants located higher up and not the ferns located on the ground.

In short, the Ferns are plants that will give your terrarium the look of nature that we are looking for when we consider having a crop like this in our house. would you like to meet what are the ferns that we recommend the most And how should we take care of them? Well, come on, let's continue explaining it!


Selaginella Uncinata Terrarium Fern

The first fern that we are going to talk about is, by far, the one that our regular customers ask us the most, as well as the people who come to PremiumBuces to make his first terrarium.

It's a asian fern, specifically originating in China, which is also often called rainbow fern for the bluish and purple tones that define it. It is a perfect plant for cover the most difficult areas of the terrarium: the floor and the side walls. Extends in the form of a dense mantle does not leave a single free space, which gives it a smooth and incredible appearance to the terrarium.

El Fern Selaginella Uncinata is also a favorite because of how easy it is to grow: doesn't need a lot of light, so in the lower part of the terrarium it will be perfect. Needs a large amount of moisture, just like bromeliads and, precisely, that is why they are such good companions.

You have to know, finally, that this little fern, sometimes called rainbow moss, has a very slow growth although constant. With this we want to tell you that, although it is growing slowly, do not think that it is because you are not giving it the right light or temperature, but because that's their natural way of growing.


Biophytum Sensitivum Plant for Terrarium

Another of the most famous ferns requested by lovers of terrariums is the Biophytum Sensitivum, fern native to the area of ​​Nepal and some tropical parts of the Asian continent.

This is one unique plant, very original and we are going to tell you why: First of all, it is interesting to know that it is a plant used in traditional chinese medicine and that, therefore, has an endless number of positive features for us as owners of the terrarium and, also, for all plants or animals that live with it.

Thus, the presence of the Biophytum Sensitivum can be interesting in a terrarium beyond aesthetic reasons. In any case, in the ornamental plane it will also contribute a lot and that is because this small fern is capable of vary its shape and placement through touch, which is incredible when it comes to enjoying the views of our terrarium.

It is a fern that needs moisture and not a constant amount of irrigation water. Therefore, it is best place it in a low area of ​​the terrarium where the irrigation does not reach as much as the upper parts. Its location in the lower part is also convenient because direct light doesn't do it any good. He likes rather gloomy places, something that you must take into account when planting it.


Selaginella Erythropus Terrarium Plant

Finally, we are going to talk about the Selaginella erythropus fern, a beautiful species native to Ecuador and other South American countries.

This fern is one of the most requested and the main reason is that its reddish appearance is aesthetically perfect to grow in some low or rear parts of the terrarium. It goes very well in combination with the red bromeliads, For example.

El Selaginella erythropus fern It has the same characteristics as the vast majority of its family: grow thick and dense, they need mostly shade and concentrated moisture but without too much direct water.

In general, all ferns, and especially these three examples that we have brought you, are easy to grow plants, perfect for fill the empty spaces of our terrarium and thus give them the aspect of contained nature that we intend.


All the climbing plants are plant species that they grow holding their branches to the walls or to any surface on which they are placed. They are very typical not only for terrariums, but also for any garden or terrace in which you want to achieve that covering aspect that they give.

Climbing plants are very useful for your terrarium, in the same way as the fern, precisely because cover rear areas or the part of the floor of the terrarium, which will give the definitive aspect of being before a natural environment.

On the other hand, climbing plants are perfect in a terrarium where there are animals: especially so with the reptiles, which have some very specific physiological needs in terms of temperature and light and coincide in this way with climbing plantsthey also like have plants of the type creeper to be able to hide or climb to other areas of the terrarium.

Climbing plants are, like ferns, plants easy and grateful with the care we give them, which can be adapted to coexistence with other plants and animals and that they will generally grow rapidly and steadily.

Would you like to know what they are? the three types of climbing plants that you can find in PremiumBuces and that we recommend the most? So keep reading the article!


Monstera Acuminata Terrarium Plant

La first climbing plant that we are going to talk about is the monstera acuminata and the reason is because it is one of the most demanded. The truth is that we are not surprised, because this curious climbing plant is a unique species, with an aspect defined by the holes that form naturally in their leaves.

La monstera acuminata it grows completely vertically, so it is very good for it be located at the back or side of our terrarium. It grows a lot and more or less quickly, so it is excellent for people who are beginners and who are hoping to see results right away.

As this climbing plant prefers a rather tropical climate, that is, with constant humidity and warm temperaturesit's good companion of bromeliads and also of some types of amphibians. It is important that this climbing plant is not exposed to temperatures lower than 22 or 23 degrees.


Pilea Involucrata Plant for Terrarium

Another of the plants we like the most in PremiumBuces is Pilea Involucrata, a climbing plant that has a lot to do with the Monstera Acuminata in terms of its tropical needs for humidity and warm weather but with a look very different:

It is a plant that grows vertically, slower than before and that he has some unique looking leavesas made up of small geometric circles. It usually grows to a height of about 30 centimeters, something you should keep in mind when you think about having it and depending on the size of the terrarium you have.

Having quite similar needs to the previous climbing plant, they can be combine both in a medium sized terrarium in order to have different zones: for example, one in the back and another in the lateral zones.


Pilea Depressa Plant for Terrarium

Finally, we are going to talk about another species of climbing plant of the Pilea Involucrata family, Which is the Pilea Depressa. Although they are from the same family, their appearance is quite different, characterizing the Pilea Depressa by grow with an abundance of leaves, which give you a thick and upholstery appearance perfect to place in certain areas of the terrarium.

The Pilea Depressa is a plant that comes from the Caribbean, specifically from countries like Puerto Rico, Panama or Costa Rica. Therefore, what is best for you is a humid enough weather, something we can achieve with a proper rain system and warm. We recommend that at least always have a temperature of 22 degrees, keep this in mind when you think about making combinations with other plants.

The most important thing to be able to combine plants is to have a positive temperature for all because, with regard to the subject of humidity or irrigation, one can make localized irrigation with the help of a sprayer for some plants that need it and leave others drier.


All the plants of the genus begonia are, as happens with bromeliads and orchids, plants with an aesthetically very nice appearance that make them highly desired by most people they have a terrarium.

In the same way that ferns and climbing plants are usually used as decorative background of our terrarium, begonias They are highly desired plants to give them prominence in a natural garden formed in our own house. The reasons are many, such as that there are a lot of different species and from areas as different from the planet as Asia or America. Also that its general appearance is usually like miniature plant, which is suitable for decorate a terrarium and thus achieve our own natural landscape.

In any case, it must also be said that begonias are grateful plants, which although they have important needs such as humidity, warm temperature, and be pruned fairly regularly, grow without problems and therefore become the favorite of many fans.


Begonia Dietrichiana Plant for Terrarium

La begonia dietrichiana It is, without a doubt, our favorite begonia species of all that we have in PremiumBuces. And not only ours because it is also the one that our clients order the most from us.

The reason is obvious: it is a precious plant, With a intense green leaves, very velvety and shiny. On the other hand, it also has flowers when it starts to grow and during various times of the year: are pink flowers of a very vivid color that is phenomenal with the tonalities that are usually acquired in the terrariums.

Another reason why it is a very chosen plant for the terrarium is what we always say: Feasy to grow and grows easily without asking much in return. As you can understand if you have or have had a terrarium for the first time, the ease with which a plant grows is essential at the beginning to acquire the motivation that leads us to try to introduce new species and make tests to decorate better every time.

La Begonia Dietrichiana grows up to 12 centimeters more or less, it is small and therefore fits in a any size terrarium. Needs to constant humidity and a warm temperature which is perfectly compatible with other species of plants and animals.


Begonia Carolineifolia Terrarium Plant

Another of the most beautiful begonia plants that we have in our catalog is the Begonia Carolineifolia. Its particularity with respect to the others in the store is that grows with a fairly thick trunk rather than through a stem. This woody trunk, along with its palm leaves, gives a unique look to our terrarium because, in addition, it gives the feeling that they were small trees.

La begonia Carolineifolia also has flowers: are usually pink with yellow hearts inside. They combine perfectly with the Begonia Dietrichiana that we talked about earlier, so we recommend that if you are in doubt, put a little of both because the tandem is spectacular.

In the same way as other begonias, this plant has tendency to need a hot and humid climateso we owe it place on top of terrarium so that it can be nourished by all the irrigation that we are giving it on a regular basis.


Begonia Tripartita Plant for Terrarium

The form of the last of the begonias that we are going to recommend, as cut into three distinct branches, is what gives it its name: Tripartite Begonia.

It is a begonia quite different from the previous ones and that is why we have put it on our list of recommendations so that you can meet different species and thus choose based on your personal criteria.

This tripartite begonia has small leaves and together and unlike the previous two, you need indirect and not direct light for which a artificial light system located far from the plant. Although she does not have as many flowers as her two companions, she does have reddish endings at the end of all leaves that give it a very nice look, which we are sure you will like very much.


Now we are going to talk to you about one of the best options for choosing plants that can be used in a terrarium: plants carnivorous. We know they are the predilection of many of the fans of this world and the reason is that a terrarium with the humidity conditions that it usually has, is the perfect environment for these rare and exotic plants to grow well.

All the carnivorous plants are not only uniquely beautiful, but also do important contributions within a terrarium or vivarium, how to finish with insects or possible pests. Yes, They are not so easy and grateful plants like the ones we have been relating throughout our list and if we want a terrarium with carnivorous plants we will have to care about giving them what they need:

  • Un constantly humid environment because they are plants that usually grow in swamps. Not only must the environment be humid, but also el substratum that must always be wet.
  • Un water for special irrigation, since if we use tap water that is full of minerals, in the end it will end up stunt plant growth. Therefore, it is better use rainwater or distilled water, that is, that does not have minerals.
  • They need large number of daylight hours but never direct light on them since the leaves can burn. Is better have an artificial light system and that it does not hit directly on the leaves, to receive the positive of the light without spoiling.

Dionaea Muscipula Carnivorous Plant for Terrarium

If you have ever seen a carnivorous plant, it is surely the Dionaea Muscipula, most famous of all carnivorous plants.

Their leaves have a unique appearance, As in open shell with a few hairs that are sensitive to movement. In fact, if the test is done and the inside of the plant is touched, it will close, and this is the movement it makes to catch insects and eat them. This plant is also called Venus flytrap.

For the rest, the Dionaea Muscipula care is simpler than other carnivorous plants: needs to constant humidity, it is even better to have it flooded and it needs indirect light for much of the day.


Drosera Aliciae Carnivorous Plant

another one of the plants easiest to grow inside carnivorous plants is sundew aliciae. We selected it together with the Muscipula precisely for this reason, because we want to talk to you about the ones that have the least maintenance difficulty.

La sundew aliciae is a very small plant, only four centimeters ass and leaves with a very particular and symmetrical shape. In addition, they have shades ranging from green to red and what makes them unique.

With regard to your care, as we say, it is enough to keep them in a constantly humid environment and with enough light. There are some carnivorous plants that need fertilizer from time to time, but this is not the case. grows naturally very fast.


Sarracenia "Judith" Carnivorous Plant for Terrarium

Finally, we are going to talk about the well-known carnivorous plant Sarracenia “Judith”, which receives this name in honor of Judith Hindle, the woman who discovered her.

This plant has a It looks very different from the previous two. It's conformed by leaves that give the sensation of being compact sticks in shades that also range from green to red.

La Sarracenia “Judith” plant require less water than their peers, especially on the surface. It is best to place in the first days a deep saucer where to place water for its roots. Regarding the temperature you need, carnivorous plants require humidity, but they can perfectly withstand extreme winter temperatures if later they have a warmer season.


In the end, you will have to opt for one or the other based on personal tastes but also because of the implication that you can have to give them what they deserve. That is why we have tried to tell you about species that are more or less easy to care for and give quick results to motivate you to have many plants in your terrarium and thus be able to try new species.

Lastly, you should know that In our online store we have a section dedicated to plants for terrarium and even a more concrete one, from other varieties of plants for our terrariums that are not the most famous species and that we have described in this post. You can read more about them and how to get them if you click on the following link.

We always tell you and it is not possible preserve an ecosystem in our house, how can it be a Aquarius or the terrarium, if we do not provide the time required. We are not in favor of giving the impression that there is no need to seek information necessary to ensure that fish, amphibians, reptiles or all kinds of plants can live well.

If you want to know all our specialized products For the world of aquariums and terrariums, you can take a look at our online store and social media.

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