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What is the Aquarium Cycling? - The Nitrogen Cycle

There is no way to have an aquarium in good condition, with healthy fish, without going through a cycle prior to all this. But do not worry, because we are going to tell you everything about how to cycle an aquarium: Reasons why it is essential, how to do it and how long it has to last.


Aquarium cycling is basically a chemical process so that a series of bacteria that are beneficial for living beings that will live in it, can decompose toxic substances and thus give the optimal conditions to fish and aquatic animals.

These bacteria that are created have the ability to transform some very harmful chemicals for fish in different ones that are less harmful and are also used by the plants that also grow in the aquarium.

El aquarium cycling it is, in fact, what happens naturally in the habitats of living beings that we have: rivers, lakes or ponds. But what are all these chemicals we are talking about?

Chemicals that break down into other

To be a little more concise about which is the toxic substance for the living beings in our aquarium, and which one is better for them, we are going to tell you more about this entire chemical process:

Fish, like all animals, produce waste. In the first place due to the excrement that they create after eating, and secondly, due to the remains of food that are not eaten, and that begins to decompose after a certain time, the leaves that die of the plants and also they produce waste when they breathe through the gills.

These wastes are known as Nitrogen compounds, and what they produce is a substance called ammonium, and that it is very toxic to fish. If we don't try to remove the ammonia, the fish will continually swim in water filled with a substance that is unbearable for them, and they will probably get sick and even die. The water could be changed daily to keep it clean of residues, but much better than that is to put a filter to the aquarium, which after a time (the time in which the so-called cycling occurs), will be mature and healthy enough to convert ammonia into nitrogen. That is why it is also often talked about cycle of nitrogen.


It is possible that many people feel lazy thinking that the aquarium has to go through a process like this before being able to introduce any fish. But cycling the aquarium is absolutely essential, and without it, as we have discussed above, it is quite likely that a fish cannot be healthy or live for a long time.

The change that occurs in the tank, during cycling, is very important, but in addition to that you will have to clean it. With the filter, ammonia is converted to nitrite, and this nitrite to nitrate, which is much less toxic to fish, although it is not entirely healthy in large quantities. Therefore, once we finish completing the cycling we must do a water change of approximately 50%.


You may read on certain internet pages that there are some species that can more easily get used to all kinds of waters, under any circumstances in them. But this type of information refers more to the type of water depending on the city where we live and its quality, not that fish can live without a filter that cycles to convert ammonia to nitrogen.

Although it is possible that there are some fish that will not die immediately if a previous cycling is not done, they will certainly not be in the optimal conditions, they will suffer injuries to the gills and mucosa due to poisoning, and are very likely to become ill. 


At this point, you may be asking yourself: how do i cycle in the aquarium to keep the fish in good condition? Well, here we tell you in detail: 

The first thing to do is to set up the aquarium as we want it for the future: with the sand in the background, the plants or decorations we want and, of course, the water. 

Then it will be time for us to put our material biological in filter. Normally in the form of canutillos or very porous materials, which are put into the corresponding filter box and left there waiting for it to take effect. It can be easily obtained at may be made by each shop where they sell aquarium products

For the filter to be ready, what has to happen is that it gradually colonizes nitrifying bacteria. And what do these bacteria need to appear and reproduce? Well, their food, which is the ammonium we were talking about, which will later be converted into nitrogen.

In this way, the waste is put in so that the bacteria feed. The most useful thing is to put the future food of the fish, so that it decomposes. It has to pass approximately un month, which is how long it takes for the bacteria to reproduce and complete the cycle, but it can be a little shorter or longer depending on the size of the aquarium. In all this time the bacteria will carry out the necessary process, and when there is nitrogen instead of ammonia, it will be the moment in which we can introduce the inhabitants of the aquarium.


If you are more curious about the chemical part of the process, you should know that several types of bacteria participate in the cycling of your aquarium:

When we introduce the elements that are going to be converted into ammonia, the first bacteria to intervene are called nitrosomes. They will convert the waste ammonia into nitrites, which are other types of components that are still quite toxic, and not good for the health of the fish.

After becoming nitrites, other different bacteria called the nitrobacter, which will convert nitrites into nitrates. As we've discussed before, nitrates aren't great for fish either, but they're not toxic or harmful in small amounts, and what's more will be removed if we change part of the aquarium water once a week.


Now you know that it will take at least a month for the cycling to be ready and you can get your fish in the optimal conditions they need. But when will the time be when the filter is full of bacteria that do their job? ¿How will you realize?

The process of water is quite visible, and it is that after approximately days seven, from putting fish food that turns into ammonia, normally the water becomes cloudy and whitish, and that means that it is the moment when the bacteria will start feeding. Later, little by little, the water will become transparent again without any type of cleaning, and in this process it will return to the transparencyWhen it is completely clean again, it will be when there are already enough bacteria in the aquarium to become a good habitat. Although this may be the clearest image that the most difficult part of cycling has passed, the best way to be sure is by doing the water tests that we will talk about later.

It is important to mention that During the entire process of cycling an aquarium, there is no need to change the water until the corresponding time passes.


As we tell you, the water will go from being transparent, to cloudy and white and again transparent, but since at first glance it is difficult to know when the exact moment will come when there is no longer any danger, do not worry, because they exist water test that you can buy to make the necessary checks, we will need the following:

  • Fish food, which as we have already said will be what becomes ammonia to feed the bacteria.
  • Un nitrite test, to enter when the days go by in the aquarium and check if they are rising and then falling. We prefer the model that is with drops, but there are also strips to put in the aquarium, although these are less precise.
  • Un nitrate test, which will serve for the second phase of the process, when the nitrobacter bacteria begin to function.

All these elements can be found in any specialized aquarium store, they are very easy to get. It can also be obtained through an online aquarium store. Additionally we can make a ammonium test, to check that from the second week there are none left.

Interpretation of test results

Next, we are going to explain not only how to interpret what the nitrite and nitrate tests that you have bought tell you, but what are the followed so that everything goes well:

  • First of all, as we have told you, you will fill the aquarium with water and you will place all its elements including the natural plants except the fish.
  • Later, at three or four days, you will put fish food (better crushed than in flakes so that it decomposes before) and you will wait for others four days before performing the first test.
  • In the first test you take of nitrites, you will see that the counter goes to 0. This is not because the cycling has already been done, but because the bacteria that participate in the decomposition process of organic waste are still forming.
  • This nitrite test, you will have to perform it from this moment every two or three days. Be patient, because surely a few ten or fifteen days until nitrites start to rise in your test.
  • The peak of the maximum amount of nitrites in the aquarium will reach approximately at two weeks after putting the fish food into the water. At the same rate that nitrites rise, the amount of ammonia will decrease. You can also buy a test to measure ammonia although it is not so necessary.
  • From this day on, you will no longer have to keep adding fish food. There are enough nitrosonomic bacteria and what you have to do is wait for them to become the nitrobacter.
  • This will be the moment when we will start using the nitrate test. In the days following the peak of nitrites, it will happen that the nitrate counter will be at zero, and that the nitrate will begin to rise while the nitrites fall.
  • As we have said before, the cycling time depends on the size of the aquarium and many other factors.
  • Finally, we are going to measure with the nitrite test, and the moment it gives us a value of zero, will be when our aquarium will be ready, with only nitrates and prepared to receive the fish.


If you ask us, we will recommend that you follow the instructions to get this cycle of nitrogen, since we believe that it is the simplest way and with the best chance of success. It may seem exasperating to have to wait so long, but even worse is not cycling the aquarium correctly and having to start over.

Likewise, it is possible to accelerate with some tricks the process, so if you're in a rush to complete the loop, read carefully:

  • With ammonia

It is possible to enter directly ammonia in water of the aquarium, butcare! You must strictly comply with the following indications: the ammonia must be without any additives and in 3% solution

The amount of ammonia that you add daily has to be 5 milliliters per 100 liters, and you must respect that proportion depending on the size of your aquarium, but never go overboard because you could contaminate the water and spoil the whole process.

In the same way as in conventional cycling, here you will also have to measure the nitrites, while you add the ammonia for about ten days, maybe a little less. When the nitrite peak, stop adding ammonia just like we stopped adding fish food, and wait for the other bacteria to appear and convert nitrites into nitrates. 

With this trick, you can surely advance the process ten days, although it is also more dangerous, because if you go over ammonia, you will block the filter.

  • With water from another aquarium

In the event that you know someone who has an aquarium and has already cycled, they may be able to help you speed up the process. You will only need put some of your filter material in yours again, although you can also do by introducing water from your aquarium in yours. 

This will make the process go ahead for at least a week again, but you have to be clear that the cycling is correctly done in the other aquarium and it has been assembled and mature for a while, otherwise, it will not help yours.

  • Buying bacteria

There are many commercial brands that sell boats or bottles full of bacteria. In this way you can give a boost to biological filtration.

This is one of the best ways to ensure the arrival of new bacteria that will colonize the filter, so it is a good idea if you want to finish the cycling process faster.


Once this process has finished, it is time to shape the aquarium as we had always imagined. Yes, it is true that you should be cautious, so if you are going to put several types of fish or prawns, it is best that you go slowly at first to check that everything is fine.

Do not forget to be careful with the subsequent cleaning of the aquarium, and do not let more than ten days pass. In fact, in case you notice that the water begins to be a little cloudy, you can change the water to remove the nitrates even once a week.

We have already reached the end of the article, where we hope that you have learned as much as possible about this particular process that will be mandatory if we want to have an aquarium and enjoy it. In the end you not only have fish for the fact of enjoying a beautiful element but also for take care of living beings that depend on us. Therefore, take the cycling process easy, and think how positive it will be for your fish and prawns to live a long time.

Other articles of interest may be:
How to Eliminate Aquarium Algae - Causes and Most Effective Treatments
Caridines and Neocaridines - File and Care Aquarium Prawns

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