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Buy Bromeliads for Terrarium

The bromeliads they are one of the most used plants in terrariums, are slow growing and essential in a Dendrobates terrarium. They form small islands where water accumulates in the upper parts of the terrariums or vivariums, which offer protection to colorful frogs and small ponds to raise their tadpoles. Here you will find Bromeliads of the genus Neoregelia, Vriesea y Aechmea. Also take a look at our “Jungle Plants".

Bromeliads for Vivarium

In these terrariums they are tied with sphagnum moss. The bromeliads are low maintenance plants

y easy to care, can be planted as epiphytes and need regular misting and your funnels should always be full of water demineralized. With high lighting grow compactly and show their best colors.

3,85€ VAT included
3,85€ VAT included
10,72€ VAT included


Neoregelia Gemini

12,55€ VAT included


Neoregelia Amandae

7,45€ VAT included
12,55€ VAT included
12,55€ VAT included
7,45€ VAT included


Vriesea sucrei

5,15€ VAT included
7,45€ VAT included