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Aquarium Mosses - Atlas of the best species

If you have an aquarium, you will surely like to know what the moss types more beautiful or more suitable for your fish to live as well as possible. Today we are going to tell you everything we know about mosses, their peculiarities and needs depending on each subtype.


The moss They are a type of plant with very peculiar characteristics, especially because they have no roots and grow on any surface in which they are in optimal conditions.

Almost all species of moss have a special predilection for shady and humid places. This means that a aquatic environment It is one of the places where they have the greatest capacity for growth.

We have already told you that the moss has no roots, and therefore does not need to be buried in any surface with substrate to grow. This is so because this peculiar plant species it has no seeds as a fruit of reproduction, but is reproduced by spores without the help of any other moss to associate with.

How is this? Well because mosses are hermaphroditic species that are formed by the two sexual parts: the so-called archegonium, Which is the female structure, as well as the antheridium, male structure

In especially humid environments, the antheridium swells and release male gametes, while the archegonium releases female gametes. Both unite in the same environment and a new structure is created, responsible for producing spores, which is called the sporophyte. The wind, or the movement produced by water currents in this case, distributes spores. When you land on another damp and dimly lit surface, the new moss grows.

Another characteristic of mosses is the simplicity of its general structure. At first glance, you can see that the part of the leaves of the plant's root cannot be distinguished, as in other types of species. The reason for this is because it is a category of plant that has no vascular system, where he gametophyte (The visible part of the plant) is the one that dominates throughout its cycle.

It is clear that moss is a kind of very unique living being in his way of acting, and also in his appearance. But the main question is to know what makes it optimal for our aquarium.


If you have an aquarium or know someone who does, you will have noticed that moss is the most common type of plant that usually inhabit our water landscape. There are also often some plastic plant decorations, but these logically do not count as living beings:

There are many reasons why it is a good idea to have moss in the aquarium, and we are going to tell you some of the most important:

  1.   First of all, moss is one of the plant species that more benefit of a mandatory process that you will have to carry out: the aquarium cycling. This is because in that process that involves exchange of ammonium for nitrogen, the moss will also benefit from the nitrogen created and will grow even more easily. In this post We tell you everything you need to know about cycling.
  2.   Another important point is something that I have already mentioned: moss grows very easily in humid and low-light environments. It is evident that an aquarium is very humid, and the regulation of the light will depend on yourself, so it is possible to have the humid in the darkest areas so that it grows easily.
  3.   Also, moss is perfect in case you want to have shrimps like some of the aquarium inhabitants. When they reproduce, prawns need to deposit their eggs en hidden and leafy places. For this, the structure of the moss is exactly perfect.
  4.   Also hairsalon it is one of the reasons why moss is ideal for the aquarium. The way it grows on any surface gives it the secluded and landscaped look which best suits you, at least from our point of view.

Finally, it is a very easy to maintain species. You only have to take into account the cleaning (something essential for any inhabitant of the aquarium in general), and that there is some shadow area. Otherwise, the moss will grow and develop on its own and without help, giving you more time for other species.


Taste is in variety and it is clear that moss choice for our aquarium it is a totally personal decision. For that reason and because you will surely like to know what the characteristics of each species of mossIn the following points we are going to make a brief atlas of the most common ones.

You can find all of them in our online store of the highest quality.


Vesicularia Dubyana "Java Moss" Aquarium Moss

Buy Vesicularia Dubyana "Java Moss"

This species, which is popularly known as java moss, is the species most common and most repeated in the vast majority of aquariums.

The main reason is that it is a very grateful moss, it hardly needs help or attention to develop, since in addition grows very fast. Another factor that most people take into account is that it is a moss that absorbs much of the waste that are formed in the water of our aquarium, and therefore helps us to have it cleaner.

Also, it's kind of a very bright green color, which looks especially beautiful in light. As it is a very variable type of moss, it can grow in different shapes depending on the size and shape of the aquarium.


Fissidens Fontanus "Phoenix Moss" Aquarium Moss

Buy Fissidens Fontanus "Phoenix Moss"

Another of the most sought after species for aquarium moss is the so-called Phoenix moss. It is a very different species from java moss: aesthetically because it is a lot darker and also with a more delicate look, as if it were pen-like.

His way of acting is also very different, since he needs a large amount of light, and not so much shade. This means that although it also grows in dark areas, it does so more slowly. If you give it some light (even artificial) it will grow very fast, especially on the surface of stones or wood.

Fissidens Fontanus aquarium moss


Leptodictyum Riparium "Stringy Moss" Aquarium Moss

Buy Leptodictyum Riparium "Stringy Moss"

A very particular type of moss, since grows vertically instead of horizontally. This makes its aesthetics different from that of Java moss, and it can be perfect depending on the type of decoration we want to give the aquarium.

It’s a type of moss very undemanding in terms of how to take care of it: it asks little but it also grows very slowly. This means that with the stringy moss you will have to develop your patience, and thus you will enjoy its result, but granting it some timeframe. If it normally takes about two weeks for moss to grow, it may take about three weeks for this type to start showing noticeable results.

Leptodictyum Riparium Stringy Moss aquarium moss


Amblystegium Serpens "Nano Moss" Aquarium Moss

Buy Amblystegium Serpens "Nano Moss"

This species of moss is one of the more original, since its leaves are very small, giving rise to the name by which it is known: NanoMoss. It is precisely for this reason one of the most sought-after types of moss for aquariums.

It is also a moss that adapts very easily at any graduation of light and temperature. Regarding its growth, although it may seem at first that it is fast, with respect to the few centimeters that it grows (as maximum 6cm.), it is actually quite slow.


Vesicularia Montagnei “Christmas Moss” Aquarium moss

Buy Vesicularia Montagnei "Christmas Moss"

The name of this category of moss, Christmas Moss, obviously comes from the appearance it usually takes when it develops shaped like a Christmas tree

This species is widespread throughout Tropical asia, and it is also called creeping moss by its way of growing: it completely covers the surface in which it evolves, making a tapestry effect that can be very aesthetic on a wall or on the floor of the aquarium.

It is also very characteristic shape of its leaves: are oval when you look at them individually, but collectively they have a pointed shape which also resembles Christmas pine trees.

Vesicularia Mini Christmas Moss aquarium moss


Buy Monosolenium Tenerum "Pellia Moss"

This type of moss is originally from China and Japan, and it looks very peculiar: with fairly broad leaves and a very bright color.

Due to their maintenance characteristicsIt is one of the species most often caught by people who buy an aquarium for the first time: it does not need to be attached to any surface for it to develop, but rather it searches for the right medium and does it by itself. It also adapts to the temperature what and light that suits the rest of the inhabitants, so there will be practically no need to worry about it.


Vesicularia Ferriei “Weeping Moss” Aquarium Moss

Buy Vesicularia Ferriei - "Weeping Moss"

Another one of the mosses from China is the call weeping moss, Which also has a high demand within the world of aquariums.

The shape of this moss is unique: although it normally grows horizontalHas some shoots that grow vertically, making its appearance unmistakable with other species. 

Although it is very easy to keep this moss happy for it to grow, you do have to take essential care with it: pruning it from time to time so that it does not become too rebellious and retain its original shape.

Vesicularia Ferriei Weeping aquarium moss Moss


Taxiphyllum "Flame Moss" Aquarium Moss

Buy Taxiphyllum "Flame Moss"

Plant Flame Moss It is so named because of its shape as of fire flame. This shape begins to be noticed when it grows in a completely vertical position. Because of this, you usually get a feeling of depth inside the aquarium, making it perfect for rearmost areas, as this will enhance the vanishing point. Its color is also beautiful, being of a characteristic dark green.

It is a very moss simple to care and maintain, which adapts to having little light although it will not bother you to have a lot. The same happens with the temperature: everything is going well, although will grow slower yes we have it to 30 degrees.

Taxiphyllum Flame Moss aquarium moss


Taxiphyllum "Peacock Moss" Aquarium Moss

Buy Taxiphyllum "Peacock Moss"

El Peacock moss looks very similar to Christmas Moss that we mentioned earlier. It also comes from the Tropical Asia area. The only difference between them is that the latter has a formation of the tighter leaves.

For the rest, it also has that characteristic pointed shape and very small leaves. It is slow but steady growth and easy to get. Do not despair if you see that it takes longer than other mosses because although it goes little by little, you will be surprised how it develops on all types of surfaces.


Vesicularia Creeping Moss aquarium moss

Buy Vesicularia - "Creeping Moss"

This creeping moss, Also called Vesicularia, is another of the most similar to Chrismas Moss and Peacock Moss. Although the shape of its leaves and stems is very similar, it does differ in that it is something thicker than the other two and also tends to grow even higher. 

Likewise, only the most expert people sometimes differentiate this species from the others. Even so, it is usually one of the most bought because it has a very fast and progressive growth: once it starts, it grows faster and faster.


Riccardia Chamedryfolia "Coral Moss" Aquarium Moss

Riccardia Chamedryfolia "Coral Moss"

We have already told you that moss is very flattering if some of the inhabitants of our aquarium are going to be shrimps. Well, more specifically, the Coral moss will be the ideal moss for these small animals to hide their eggs and feel safe.

This is because it is a lush moss, where leaves and stems are hardly separated from others. In addition, it is also of very easy care and maintenance, and it grows a lot. If you are thinking of making a shrimp, of course this is the moss that we would recommend.

Riccardia Chamedryfolia aquarium moss


Taxiphyllum Alternans "Taiwan Moss" Aquarium Moss

Buy Taxiphyllum Alternans - "Taiwan Moss"

This species moss is absolutely unique in the world, since it comes only from the little Taiwan

Even so, it is similar in its way of developing and spreading to Christmas Moss. It grows faster still that this and many people prefer it precisely because of this: because it grows fast and you hardly have to do anything, not hook it or sew it somewhere. It is however, difficult to upholster any surface, as it usually grows upwards.

Regarding the temperature, you don't need it to be any specific one, and you don't need any extra help with the C02 fertilizer.

Taxiphyllum Taiwan Moss aquarium moss


At this point in the article and after having seen the characteristics shared by the most common moss species, and what you can find in our websiteWe hope that you have come to the conclusion that a nice and complete aquarium must have moss in it.

The moss demands little, and you will not be particularly concerned about their maintenance: the vast majority of them they don't need much light, endure the temperature that suits the fish you have, and they also thrive on almost any surface. In addition, as we have already told you, their presence helps the chemical cleaning of the fish tank. But with all this, there are some general ideas about your maintenance that you should keep in mind:

  • Of the little that, of course, you should not neglect so that your moss is in the optimal conditions to grow, Is the aquarium cleaning. This species of plant is prone to accumulating waste and different materials that abound in the water, and this hurts them. So it is important that you clean the aquarium often, something that will also be positive for fish and other living beings.
  • All the excessive currents are not good either for moss, which can break away from the surface it grows on if it is moved too much. It is important, then, that we keep the moss as far away as possible from the filter outlet (where there is more current) so that it grows normally.
  • One of the most worrying points regarding moss is the coexistence with algae. It is quite prone, in all its species, to be invaded by filamentous algae or coverings, and if this happens we must act quickly, cutting the affected parts by said algae so that it does not spread throughout the moss and spoil.
  • Moss can grow without help, but you have to know that there are some elements that can facilitate the speed with which it spreads: this is the CO2 fertilizer, that some specific species (such as the Erect moss, about which we have already told you how flattering it was for him to use external elements like this) will show a big difference in their behavior thanks to this contribution. However, if you want to see quick results, you can use this type of compost whatever moss you have.
  • In general, read the information about the type of moss you are going to choose for the aquarium. Here we have tried to tell you some of its peculiarities: if a plant asks more or less light: more or less temperaturePay attention because that will help it grow faster and healthier.


We have now reached the end of the article, where we hope you have learned as much as possible about one of the most common elements of the aquarium: living beings that will occupy its interior. Specifically, on moss, a common element that will coexist with our fish, and that you have surely seen in the vast majority of aquariums you have known.

If we are careful with the few demands of the moss, we will see with great satisfaction how in more or less one or two weeks, will start grow in different ways and on different surfaces, giving the aquarium an even more authentic touch. Also more welcoming so that the fish feel their realistic and comfortable habitat: especially, as we have told you, in the case of shrimps.

There are many other types of mosses for aquarium, but we have tried to talk about the species with the most differences between them: also those that you can find in our store, and in the vast majority of those that are dedicated to the world of aquariums.

But ultimately, for any other question, or explore more about the world of aquariums and fish, you can visit our blog.

Other articles of interest may be:
How to Eliminate Aquarium Algae - Causes and Most Effective Treatments
Caridines and Neocaridines - File and Care Aquarium Prawns

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